Mexican Lettuce Wraps

Mexican Lettuce Wraps-8772                Mexican Lettuce Wraps-8868

I thought I’d share with you one of our favourite recipes which is healthy, filling and ever so quick & easy to make. (Cheap too!) It only takes around 20 minutes from start to finish and is so easily adaptable!

What you will need (Serves 2 people for a main):

  • 200g of good quality lean mince (I used Beef but Turkey would be great too)
  • red onion diced
  • 2 garlic cloves (crushed and sliced)
  • One lettuce (little gems or Romanian makes great “cups”)
  • 2 Carrots grated
  • 1 Avocado cubed
  • 1 cup of light mozzarella cheese cubed or grated
  • Seasoning – I used 1tbs cumin, 1 tbs turmeric and 2 tbs Cajun.
  • 1 lime (optional)oil of choice -I used 3 pumps of olive oil in a spray can

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Mexican Lettuce Wraps-8811Mexican Lettuce Wraps-8840What you need to do:

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Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan on a low setting so not to burn it and add the garlic and the onions. Stir regularly to avoid sticking .

Once they start to turn clear add the mince to the pan.

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Keep stirring to keep the meat from sticking and to ensure the meat is evenly cooked and browned. (At this point you can drain any excess fat if not wanted.)

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Next is my favourite part and what I think really makes the dish… The spicing! Add your chosen spices and stir in, coating the meat in all that flavour. I like to get my meat a little crispy at this point and the longer in the pan, the longer the spices have to develop.

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Before you take your dish off the heat to serve, taste to check the seasoning, you can add a little salt, pepper or even lime if you feel like it needs it! I like to add lime for that touch of sourness to the dish.

To serve:
Use the lettuce as cups or wraps so hold your tasty filling and toppings. Dig in!

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